amy-katherine & barrett | front range, colorado, engagement photography


You know what they say: choose your friends wisely...because one could have a really cute sister that you end up marrying...  When Barrett went to spend a college summer in Florida with the family of one of his friends from college in Chicago, I'm guessing he didn't realize he'd be falling in love that summer with his friend's sister.  He and Amy-Katherine got to know each other that summer on her parents' porch swing, and when the time came years later for him to propose, he decided that would be the perfect location to pop the question.Even though it was pouring when we pulled up to Flatirons Vista Trailhead, we had a beautiful session!  Everything felt fresh (if not a bit chilly!), and these two were game to get started even while it was still sprinkling to make sure we were able to catch the break in the clouds.  I love working with adventurous, carefree couples!  And, my oh my, those stormy skies...01020304SO pretty, AK!0506070809101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233


Maggie & Bradley | Sylvan Lake | Colorado Engagement Photography


ali & daric | vail, colorado, ski session | wedding & engagement photography