eryn & tim | vail village and piney lake engagement
Eryn and Tim started dating at the beginning of college in Georgia and spent those major growing years together, which is something that Eryn loves and cherishes about their relationship. They've since moved to Denver and made lives for themselves here. These two have holidays that mark some major milestones: they consider their dating relationship started at Thanksgiving, their residency changed to Denver over the 4th of July, and - interestingly - Tim proposed to Eryn in the Vail Village when they were up for a boarding weekend...on Valentine's Day. Fittingly, they wanted to do an engagement session in the village. We continued on to Piney Lake for some of its mountain-landscape gorgeousness...Thanks again to Kelly Lemon for sending these two my way! It was a treat to get to know them!And how cute is she?! Love your free-spirit style, Eryn!
Adorable, you two...
The infamous covered bridge...
Oh, late-fall, how I love your rich colors...and how beautifully Eryn and Tim fit!
Why, yes we did. We saw a moose.
Best wishes with your Virginia wedding, you two!